Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center Foundation

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why is a pediatric trauma center necessary?

A: Every year, more children die from unintentional injuries than all childhood diseases combined. Trauma claims the lives of 25,000 children each year. Another 120,000 youngsters are permanently disabled. It doesn't have to be that way.

With proper, prompt care, about 25 percent of the deaths and disabilities could be prevented or reduced. Saving children's lives requires fully staffed and equipped facilities such as those at the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center (KPTC) at Cohen Children's Medical Center. The best trauma programs work with, and train, pre-hospital care providers such as paramedics and emergency medical technicians who are skilled in pediatric emergency and life-support care.

North Shore University Hospital and the New York District of Kiwanis international created the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center at the hospital in 1991, merging the Kiwanis commitment to serve children and local communities with North Shore's commitment to medical excellence, outreach, and education.

Q: Why should children be treated at a pediatric trauma center?

A: In every serious injury, there is a small window of time, often no more than one to two hours, before a child suffers irreversible injury or dies. While most regions have comprehensive emergency care systems in place, the emphasis often has been on caring for adults. Children's bodies react differently to the shock of injury. It takes an expert in pediatric trauma to interpret the signs and symptoms and begin the correct treatment as soon as possible.

One of every six injuries is grave enough to risk life or long-term disability and requires more sophisticated diagnosis and treatment, which is why a properly equipped and staffed pediatric trauma center is so important.

Q: What are North Shore and Kiwanis doing to prevent accidents?

A: A program entitled "Baby Safe", a 90-minute course, teaches parents, baby-sitters, and others who care for children how to reduce or eliminate potential hazards and provide emergency care until help arrives. This program is sponsored in Kiwanis communities.

Q: Does Kiwanis help the families of injured children?

A: Personal and family problems often follow when a child is seriously injured. During the crisis, children and parents can need supportive help such as baby-sitting, transportation, assistance with errands, and other kinds of meaningful personal assistance. When the families of patients in the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center need this support, it is offered by Kiwanians in their communities through the Kiwanis Family Caring Network.